Group Rules
Effective Date: 2/5/2025
Membership: $300/year
• The fee secures exclusive marketing rights, as group only allows one professional per
industry to be represented in the group (e.g., group cannot have 2 realtors)
• Gives them access to website where profile will be posted and where they can track
their results/data
• Member will be given visibility and promoted on group’s website and Facebook page
• 10% of collective group fee to be distributed to non-profit organizations annually
o Free Memberships:
• 3 free memberships to be provided to 3 non-profit organizations
• 1 free membership to be provided to a Veteran
o Visitor Policy: Visitors can attend up to 3 meetings before membership is required.
• Members to not intentionally invite visitors whose profession directly conflicts with
another group member’s profession
o Attendance/Participation: Attendance and participation in group is strongly encouraged.
Members should send a sub if they cannot attend
• Consistent absences combined with inactive member participation in the group (i.e.
no referrals passed, 1-2-1’s, etc..) may lead to probation at the discretion of the
Membership Committee
▪ During probationary period the attendance of member (or a sub) is required at
2 of the next 4 meetings to avoid removal from group
o Subs: Members should not deliberately arrange for someone to substitute for them if that
person works in a similar industry or profession that conflicts with another member’s
profession within the group, unless the substitute’s profession matches that of the member
they are replacing
o Passing of Referrals: Members must submit referrals through the group website’s “referral
submission form” to ensure proper tracking. While they can also pass referrals directly to
another member, credit for the referral will only be given if it is submitted via the website
o Tracking Group Member Business: Each member is responsible for submitting the
number of referrals they’ve passed or received, into the group website, along with details of
1-2-1 meetings (who/when), held with members outside the office, business closed from
referrals, and any visitors they’ve brought to meetings
o Refunds: Pro-rated refunds are only issued to those who are removed from the group,
otherwise there are no refunds of membership fee
o Renewals: Notify Membership Committee within 2 weeks of expiration to request renewal.
Membership Committee will then review to approve/deny renewal
o Industry Representation: Only one professional per industry allowed per group. No
conflicting professionals allowed per group (e.g., cannot have 2 financial advisors in group)
o Conflicts: Concerns about new applicants must be raised with the Membership Committee
before approval
o Grievances: Resolve issues directly; if unresolved, escalate to leadership for review.
o Other Chapters: Members may sub or visit other RCN chapters but cannot promote their
business unless a spot for their profession is open. Members cannot join another RCN
chapter under the same industry/profession classification if they currently represent that
industry/profession in another RCN chapter
o Transfers: Memberships may be transferred to another chapter if an opening exists for the
same industry they represent. No additional membership fee will be charged for a transfer
o Membership Application Review: Applications are reviewed in the order received.
o Membership payment: Membership fee must be paid within 48 business hours of
o Community Support: 10% of membership fees go to local non-profits as determined by
group vote, and members are highly encouraged to volunteer at two events annually.
Leadership Roles/Term Limits/Responsibilities
o Leadership Team consists of:
• President
• Vice President
• Membership Committee (3 people)
• Treasurer/Secretary
• Website Admin
o All members on the leadership team serve 1 year, beginning 01/01 to 12/31.
o The Vice President automatically becomes President after the President’s term ends.
• If the VP chooses not to assume the presidency, they cannot continue as VP and
must declare candidacy for the VP role in the group vote
President- 1 year term running from January 1st to December 31st. Membership fee waived
o Role is to:
• Facilitate and run meetings each week
• Establish time and locations of meetings
• Develop and follow meeting agenda
• Greet and welcome visitors, have them sign visitor sign in sheet
▪ Timely follow up with visitors to get feedback and solicit for a
▪ Keep and maintain a “visitor log”, share with leadership team
• Drive/increase membership for their chapter
• Help with social media/website pages/advertising
• Oversee to make sure 2 posts to Facebook page happen each week
▪ Member presentation post on Wednesday (including pics of presentation)
▪ Business tip of the week post on Friday
VP- 1 year term, running from January 1st to December 31st. Membership fee waived,
automatically succeeds President after President term expires, if desired
• Role is to:
o Run meeting if President is absent
o Manage Speaker, Quote of the Day rotation for the group
• Post (GroupMe) upcoming Speaker, Quote of the Day and Biz Tip of
Week schedule to rest of group (Book out next 4 rotations for each)
o Until website dashboard is ready, to manually record following member #’s at
each meeting:
▪ Referrals passed, referral received from past week
▪ $ amount of business closed from past week
▪ # of 1-2-1 meetings with other group members in past week
▪ # of visitors brought last week
o Remind members every week, to enter their weekly #’s into website dashboard,
before our weekly meetings
o Help promote the group
Treasurer/Secretary- 1 year term (eligible to enter into VP candidate vote at end of term, if
• Role of Treasurer is to:
o Be a fiduciary of the group’s bank accounts. Along with the President and VP,
they will have full authority to write checks from the account and distribute funds
from the account on group expenditures, subject to approval of the group
o To keep an ongoing budget for the group (membership dues coming in, expenses
going out, etc..), and send to President & VP for review each quarter
• Role of Secretary is to:
o Record meeting notes and post a short summary of meeting in GroupMe chat for
all members to see, each week after meeting
• Via using the FireFlies Application which will automatically record the
meetings via a mobile device/computer
• ***Disclosure*** Members must agree to allowing our meetings to be
recorded for purposes of providing all members with a summary of the
meetings via the GroupMe chat
• Help promote group
Membership Committee- 1 year term (eligible to enter into VP candidate vote at end of term, if
desired). 3 members needed for a committee
o Role is to:
• Review and approve (or deny) membership applications within 5 business days of
application submittal
• Follow up with business references to validate character/professionalism
of applicant. 3 business references will be provided by each applicant, 2 of
3 must be validated before committee can approve a membership
• In the event where not all 3 committee members agree to approve a
membership application, then 2 of 3 committee member approvals are
needed for a member to be approved
• Establish a Committee “chairperson” (Katie Jackson)
• This individual will be the main point of contact for communicating with
the applicant, and will notify the applicant if there application was
approved/denied. To notify the President and VP if approved. President to
announce at meeting
• Remaining two other members to help with weekly Facebook posts
• Wednesday posts of member presentations spotlight (with pics)
• Friday Biz Tip of the Week post
• Help promote group
Website Admin- 1 year term (eligible to enter into VP candidate vote at end of term, if desired).
o Role is to:
• Oversee the website, integrations and email domain
• Ensure that member profiles are up to date, add new members profiles to website
in a timely manner
• To set up logins for all members
• To update website based on collective feedback from leadership team
• ***Disclosure/Authorization***- Members must agree to not post anything
inappropriate onto the website as a condition of membership
Annual Leadership Voting Process
Group Voting Process for Vice President after VP term expiration:
• The Membership Committee, Treasurer/Secretary & Website Admin will be candidates
for VP position and determined by group vote after VP term expires
o There will be 7 VP candidates in total (see section under “Incentives”). The
following two members are also eligible to enter the VP candidate vote, if desired,
in addition to those within the Membership Committee, Treasurer/Secretary and
Website Admin:
• The group member who has the most visitors (not subs) attend meetings
over the course of a calendar year (January 1st-December 31st)
• The group member who passes the most referrals over the course of a
calendar year (January 1st-December 31st)
o President may be considered for another role within leadership team (except VP)
after term expires, if no volunteers/votes fill the positions of Membership
Committee, Treasurer/Secretary & Website Admin
Group Voting Process for Membership Committee, Treasurer/Secretary & Website
• Members can vacate their roles after 1 year if they no longer desire to continue in
leadership position
• The membership committee, Treasurer/Secretary & Website Admin positions will be
determined by a group vote after their year 1 term expires. If they would like to continue
to hold their leadership positions they can be included as candidates in the group vote
o This ensures that 6 group members are voted into a leadership position each year,
giving opportunity for all group members to be considered for a leadership
position via a vote, and direct pathway to be considered for a future VP and
President role, if desired
Group Voting Process for President if VP declares that they no longer intend to succeed
President after their VP Term:
• All members of the leadership group are eligible for a group vote for President in the
event the VP declares they no longer intend to succeed President after term expiration
Meetings to be held on
• Weekly Wednesday morning meetings
• Last Friday “Eat & Meet” Lunch meeting (no Wednesday morning meetings held that
• Quarterly “Visitor Day” meeting:
o To help drive growth of the group, as well as make additional networking
connections, we will hold 4 “visitor day” meetings annually
o In addition to trying to bring visitors to normally scheduled meetings, we ask that
each group member invite 3 people, and commit to bringing 1 visitor
• A Quarterly Group Member Incentive Celebration will be combined with our “Visitor
Day” meeting to celebrate:
o The member with the most referrals passed over the quarter
o The member with the most visitors brought over the quarter
o The member with the best attendance over the quarter
o Gift cards to be presented at meeting
• Two group members who meet the following criteria will be rewarded with a half price
membership the following year, and will automatically be included in the VP vote
regardless if they are a member of the leadership team or not (should the desire to be
included in VP vote)
o The group member who has the most visitors (not subs) attend meetings over the
course of a calendar year (January 1st-December 31st)
o The group member who passes the most referrals over the course of a calendar
year (January 1st-December 31st)
All expenses out of group bank account must be approved by:
• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer/Secretary
Membership fees will be used for the following purposes for the benefit of the group:
• Website, email and IT costs
• 10% of annual dues to be directed to non-profit organization
• Expenditures to facilitate meetings such as
o Meeting room costs/deposits, when/if applicable
o Food/drink, when/if applicable
o Presentation materials such as PowerPoint clicker, Timer clock, HDMI cable, etc..
o And other items needed to facilitate meetings as voted on by leadership
• Marketing costs such as
o Facebook ads to increase membership (invites to visitor day meetings, etc..)
o Print copy items such as group business card, flyers, etc..
o Electronic marketing items such as logos, event invites, etc..
o And other items needed to market our group as voted on by leadership